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the ancient Greek word
meaning women that serve

my hope

to provide non-judgmental physical and emotional support for each family on the path of bringing forth new life. to learn from each woman, hold space for the surrender to her birth and postpartum experience, and witness her transcend who she has been up to this point. open space for feeling grounded, nourished, confident and connected - as a platform to raise children who are thriving, strong, and the highest

expression of themselves. 


doula support scholarships

are you seeking doula support but don't have the means to invest? as a proud board member of Cape Fear Area Doulas, we are passionate about serving our community regardless of the ability to pay. we raise funds to offer full birth and postpartum support scholarships. any local pregnant person is eligible to apply, scholarships are primarily given to low-income families, single parents, and birthing or postpartum people facing hardships. ​​​​​


Blessing Way Ceremonies

honoring a woman in her essence as she steps into motherhood. a celebration of life and love, pregnancy and motherhood in a tranquil, sacred, love-filled atmosphere. evolving from a traditional Native American Blessingway, which were designed to restore equilibrium to the cosmos and invoke positive blessings. gather together and center around healing, creation, harmony, and peace.

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